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CGSD follows a British school Curriculum. Assessment varies over the school years to be age-appropriate.

Subjects taught in alphabetical order:
  • Accounting

  • Additional Mathematics

  • Art

  • Bangladesh Studies

  • Bangla

  • Biology

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Commerce

  • Computer Science

  • Debate

  • Economics

  • English Language

  • English Literature

  • Environmental Management​



  • Geography

  • Global Perspective

  • History

  • Information and Communications Technology.

  • Mathematics

  • Music

  • Physics

  • Physical Education

  • Science

  • Social Studies

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's​During the school year, several field trips are conducted to complement the curriculum taught in class. easy.

(Playgroup to Class 2)

Election for the Head Boy and Girl (14)-01.jpeg

The curriculum is thematic and cross-curricular. Broadly the following areas are covered:

  • English Speaking and Listening  

  • English Reading and Writing

  • English Comprehension   

  • Bangla

  • Mathematics    

  • Science

  • Bangladesh Studies 

  • Integrated Studies

  • Social Studies  

  • Literature

  • General knowledge 

  • Health Education

  • Information Technology

  • ECA’s: Art, Music, P.E.

Students are assessed on a four-point ‘readiness’ scale, as follows:

4 Almost Always: A ‘4’ indicates that your child demonstrates proficiency on the skill or concept confidently and independently on a regular basis

3 On a regular basis: A ‘3’ indicates that your child is demonstrating the concept or skill more frequently and is beginning to initiate the task independently. The child’s performance is improving.

2 Some of the time: A ‘2’ indicates that your child is at the beginning of developing the skill or concept. These first efforts show that your child has an initial understanding of the task and indicate that further practice is needed for the task to be mastered.

1 Not ready at this time: A ‘1’ indicates that either the concept or skill has not been introduced yet, or that your child is not yet developmentally ready.

N/A Not Applicable At This Stage.

Primary and Secondary Curriculum


The Class 3 to 8 curriculums build upon the skills introduced in previous classes. Students are expected to become more independent learners and will be assessed through regular class tests, marked class work and term-end examinations. Subjects taught are:

- English Language   - Bangla    - Mathematics    - Science

- English Literature  - Social Studies  - Bangladesh Studies - History

- Geography    - Global Perspective  - Art  

- Information and Communications Technology - Physical Education - Music  - Debate

Students are assessed by grades, as follows:

F = 0 – 59% A- = 80 – 84%

C = 60 – 64% A = 85 – 89%

C+ = 65 – 69% A+ = 90 – 94%

B = 70 – 74% A* = 95 – 100%

B+ = 75 – 79%  


Classes 9 to 12 focus on preparing students for Cambridge Checkpoint and CIE ‘O’, ‘AS’ and ‘A’ Level examinations.

Cambridge Checkpoints: The Cambridge Checkpoint tests are held in Class 8 to test each student’s strengths and weaknesses, as a diagnostic guide to prepare for the ‘O’ Level examinations, and to act as a basis for an action or remedial plan when necessary.

‘O’ Levels

  • Below is a complete list of ‘O’ Level subjects offered by the school (Please note that not all subjects are offered every year)O Level Subject of CGSD

  • Accounting - 7707

  • Art & Design - 6090

  • Bangladesh Studies - 7094

  • Bengali - 3204

  • Biology - 5090

  • Business Studies - 7115

  • Chemistry - 5070

  • Commerce - 7100

  • Computer Science - 2210

  • Economics - 2281

  • English Language - 1123

  • Environmental Management - 5014

  • Mathematics - Additional - 4037

  • Mathematics (Syllabus D) - 4024

  • Physics - 5054

Assessment is based on grades A* to F as follows:

A* = 95-100%

A+ = 90-94%

A = 85-89%

A- = 80-84%

B+ = 75-79%

B = 70-74%

C+ = 65-69%

C = 60-64%

F = 0-59%



CGSD class 10 O level Result 2024.jpg
CGSD class 9 O level Result 2024.jpg
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